Tango App – Download Unbounce Landing Page HTML
Tango : is new Unbounce template made for Startup projects. It also can be used for multi purpose. We hope you like it! (more…)
Tango : is new Unbounce template made for Startup projects. It also can be used for multi purpose. We hope you like it! (more…)
Maverick is a carefully designed admin template that is built from the ground up to be developer-friendly. With its modern design and coding that follows the best practices for AngularJS web apps, Maverick is ready to be the starting point for your next big project.
Maverick uses Bower and Grunt to make development and deployment a breeze. The styling is written in clean and organized LESS. (more…)
This November, JoomlArt presents JA Mono – the responsive Joomla template for creative business.
JA Mono is based on Unusual layout concept with monochromatic style. This is not your traditional website and Mono is dedicated for creative business, designers and startups. JA Mono is unusual because it makes great use of large-screen estate. On big devices (bigger than 1400px), the layout is split into two main blocks, when users surf through the content with builtin navigation, new content will be displayed with smooth slide-in animation. On smaller screens, its a clean and simple design, with clever typography, big images and a lot of white spaces.
The templates Projects page will help you display your organizations works your own way. Projects can be intelligently ordered or organically wild. Elements can be stamped in place, fit in an ideal spot, or dragged around. It fills empty gaps.
Mono is fully responsive and has 5 colors layouts: Default, Red, Green, Orange and Blue.
JA Mono will support RTL languages layout.
JA Magz II is the successor of our most favorite Joomla responsive template for news and magazine sites, JA Magz. Its a clean and simple design, with highlights of typography for news and magazine readers. Magz II is responsive and displayed well on any device from mobile to PC.
JoomlArt builds JA Magz II with pure Joomla spirit, we believe with proper design and the powerful core of Joomla, we can create a beautiful yet effective responsive template for magazine and news portal. So here it is, our ultimate bet on the best Joomla template for news and magazine site.
Reading news and magazine on screen is a pain for your eyes, so we create an enhanced reading mode for your eyes pleasure. Readers can adjust the sizes of text, and change fonts to suit their needs. Moreover, JA Magz supports multiple languages, and Right to Left languages layout. Now you can create your online magazine with native languages supported.
Aside from the Joomla custom pages, our Joomla magazine template also has 5 custom pages i.e. Blog Posts, Gallery, Contact Us, Typography, and Video. Magz II with T3 framework and Bootstrap 3 at core, sports Megamenu for desktop and off-canvas menu from mobile.
Your news & magazine templates re-imagined with JA Magz II
JA Magz II supports RTL languages layout.
JA Events II is the responsive Joomla event template dedicated for event organizers. Whether youre a professional events manager or one-off organizer, this Joomla template for events will help you to plan for successful events.
JA Events II features two most favorite Joomla extensions for events by our community: JEvents and Events Booking. The Joomla template for events management saves you time to get your events page up and running in few hours. Events II is light, beautiful and useful for all events manager. With help from Email Beautifier, the emails sent to users are no longer boring and ugly. JA Events II also supports JTicketing to form a perfect event booking system for you.
JA Events II allows you to create a Joomla powered site for both single events and multiple ones. With an inviting homepage, big hero images, a list of events, event details with location, calendar and so much more; Events II is a new must-have Joomla template for all event managers. You will be able to set up an event site with nice schedule, beautiful speaker details, easy to find Google map location, multiple custom pages, themed color.
Moreover, nowadays your event attendees use mobile, therefore JA Events II is fully responsive to ensure the best experience when access your events site. The template also supports regular layouts of Joomla, so one can also use the same for developing regular Joomla sites too.
We developed an optimized Joomla template for events, but its just the beginning. With T3 Framework, you have all the power to customize your event site using ThemeMagic and Template Configuration.
Its your turn to reinvent your events homepage!
JA Events II now supports RTL languages layout.
JA Social II is all new responsive Joomla template to build a social network for your community. Social II derives its name from JA Social, one of our best Joomla social templates for years. Social II is designed to help you create your own social network with Joomla.
Support both of the best Joomla extensions for social networks JomSocial, EasySocial, and Community Builder. JA Social II is the ultimate ingredient for a successful community project. You can build a full-fledged social media site with both style and functionality.
Moreover, JA Social II is not only a social media Joomla template but also a multipurpose responsive Joomla template. The templates custom styles and layouts allow you to create a beautiful layout with the power of JoomlArt Advanced Custom Modules extension. JA Social II also features Joomla CCK component – K2.
With T3 Framework and Bootstrap 3 at core, JA Social II is friendly and easy to customize. You can freely design the responsive Joomla template with MagicTheme, and Layout Configuration.
The best dedicated responsive Joomla template for Vehicle rental service.
JA Rent is a Joomla template designed for vehicles rental service website. This template is fully responsive based on Bootstrap 3 grid system. It is built with our solid T3 Framework, supports K2 component and dedicated Car rental component – Vik Rent Car. JA Rent gives you power to build a full Rental functionality website.
The theme has a control panel with a lot of options to manage and customize your site: Logo replacement, Megamenu builder, Visual layout configuration, ThemeMagic – a truly magic tool to customize your theme based on pre-defined parameters.
The template is powered with many new web technologies: Bootstrap 3, Font Awesome 4, LESS, etc and supports all Joomla pages with individually customized styles to fit the template design. The template is also optimized with JS and CSS compression, clean and well structured code base to improve your site performance.
JA Rent supports RTL language layouts.
JA Techzone is responsive Joomla template for online showroom and hi-tech gadgets eCommerce site. Techzone is perfect fit for modern shopping needs, great for showing and reviewing technology products in an attractive yet simple web store.
The template supports Joomla shopping component – VirtueMart with various options for improving the user experience and effectively managing your online shop. Joomla forum component – Kunena provides the ultimate option for your shoppers community with self-help forums, discussion boards, and online activities. Techzone also features Joomla blogging component – K2 for blogging and reviewing about hi-tech products.
Techzone takes inspiration from Material design – the trendy design theory from Google. The Joomla template offers a smooth shopping experience across platforms and screens.
With T3 Framework and Bootstrap 3 at core, Techzone is easy to customize and install. You can freely modify the responsive eCommerce template with MagicTheme, and Layout Configuration.
JA Techzone supports RTL language layouts.
The best responsive Joomla 3 template for Directory website!
JA Directory – Responsive Joomla 3 template is a wonderful solution for a Directory website. It is built with the new T3 Framework and supports the great K2 component. The search and filter component works in tandem with mapping in JA Directory to bring you our highlight feature. This is thanks to our JA Google Map plugin and JA K2 filter components (To be purchased separately) being seamlessly integrated. The quick filter with directory types helps your users quickly and easily target their searches.
Thanks to the excellent T3 framework, the template is powered with many new web technologies: Bootstrap 3, Font awesome 4, LESS, etc. It supports all Joomla pages with individually customized styles to fit the template design and to help you build you fully functionality Directory Site. The template is also optimized with JS and CSS compression, clean code and well structured code base to improve your site performance.
This template supports RTL Language layouts.
Now is a good time to give your church a complete new face?
JA Charity – our responsive Joomla template for Churchs and Charity – will not only breathe a new air into the interface of your church or charity organizations website, but also the unique experience for the users.
JA Charity comes with a simple and vibrant theme design which is suitable for any charity organization, or religious institutions. It brings a contemporary design for organization that targets young and modern people.
Equipped with Joomla eCommerce solution VirtueMart, Joomla Donation extension JoomDonation and Joomla newsletter component Acymailing, JA Charity will bring a modern experience for websites of Churchs and charity organizations. And dont forget to take a look at our Sermon page thats specifically designed for churches.
Altogether JA Charity with Joomla template framework T3 is fully responsive, and easy to manage and customize with Theme Magic and Layout Configuration.
This template supports RTL Language layouts.
Uber is the perfect All in one Joomla template to help everyone build their business site. This special Joomla template is a feature project for Joomla 3 & Joomla 2.5. It is a built with T3 Framework template with Bootstrap 3, and the Advanced Custom Module.
Uber is the first JoomlArt template to sport on the brand new Joomla extension JA Advanced Custom Module (JA ACM). With JA ACM, one can build a whole website from the scratch with multiple content blocks for Testimonials, CTA, Gallery, Slideshow, Pricing Table, Features Intro, etc. Just choose the blocks you desire and start to connect them. Along with ThemeMagic and Layout Configuration, you can create your own startup site. Quick and easy.
This is the one-template-fits-all option for the go-getters in you, among the jungle of Joomla templates in the market.
Uber is our dedication to the JoomlArt club members to begin the fourth quarter with new dreams, new projects, and new possibilities; and to empower the startup communities with a dedicated Joomla product.
Uber is now one of the most powerful responsive Joomla template, a Swiss knife for Joomla sites building with 18+ content blocks, 80+ variations, 12+ sample sites, and thousands of possibilities.
Luring fashionistas fans to your online store and shopping for their latest temptations with our chic and trendy Joomla template JA Cagox.
With clever design, three different homepages, classic black & white, JA Cagox will surely stand the test of time as an online fashion shop and helping you promote your clothing business.
JA Cagox will have both PayCart and VirtueMart components for an intuitive online shopping experience. The fashion template is also equipped with the native Joomla custom blog, theres no need to install 3rd party solution.
Built with the latest version of T3 Framework, JA Cagox performs smoothly across all connected devices and mobile screens.