
Posts written by CmsDude

This author has written 10422 articles
WordPress Tutorials

How to change default database tables prefix in WordPress

How to change default database tables prefix in WordPress

The standard WordPress install uses wp_ as a prefix for all tables in the database. By simply changing this prefix to something else, you will make your site a lot less vulnerable to hackers who attempt SQL injections and assume that you are using the generic wp_ prefix. On a brand new WordPress install, you will have the option to use any table prefix you want; you should change the default wp_ prefix to something custom. (more…)

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WordPress Tutorials

The template hierarchy in wordpress

The template hierarchy in wordpress

When a user visits your site and navigates to a page, WordPress uses a system called the Template Hierarchy to figure out which file in the active theme should be used to render the page. For example, if the user browses to a single post page, WordPress will look for single-post.php. If that’s not found, it will look for single.php. If that’s not found it will look for index.php. (more…)

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WordPress Tutorials

WordPress Directory Structure

WordPress Directory Structure

Let’s take a quick top-level look at the folders and files that are included within a typical WordPress install.

Root Directory

In the root directory, there are a few core WordPress files. Unless you are digging around in the core WordPress code looking for hooks to use or certain functionality, the only file you may need to ever alter is wp-config.php. You should never alter any other core WordPress files. Hacking core is a bad idea because you won’t be able to upgrade WordPress when a new version becomes available without overriding your changes. The only directory you should need to interact with is wp-content because it contains your plugins, themes, and uploaded files. (more…)

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JeXtensions Store

JSitemap Pro v.2.4 – Download For Free

JSitemap Pro v.2.4 - Download For Free

JSitemap Professional Edition has unique features that let you generate different types of sitemap to gain top level SEO performance for your site. It works on every environment supporting fine tuning for server load resources and caching system during generation of sitemaps.
You can increase number of links indexed by Google up to 400% and gain a lot more visibility for your site! (more…)

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