VTEM Peelback v.1.0 – Download For Free Joomla Module
Creating Peel Back Ads for your joomla site is very easy. Most of these effects are developed in Flash, but in this case simply use the jQuery library. (more…)
Creating Peel Back Ads for your joomla site is very easy. Most of these effects are developed in Flash, but in this case simply use the jQuery library. (more…)
The VTEM Carousel is a very flexible module for Joomla. It display any type contents such as K2 items, Joomla! articles, images from specific folder(s). Using the Next/Prev buttons you can navigate through all articles. All articles can display any kind of HTML formatted content like text/images/flash and you can even use the loadposition plugin to display a another module inside a article. The VTEM Carousel module comes with a lot of different styles. (more…)
Sound Space is a responsive music player with features that rock! It’s a responsive, jQuery music player with loads of options. You can customize just about everything.
This audio player is supported by all major browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE7-9, Opera etc.) and mobile devices like iPhone, iPad, Android etc. You can add self-hosted MP3 files and tracks from SoundCloud very easily.
Compatible with Joomla: Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.x (more…)
Quick Flip is a responsive flip book module that can display items from Joomla content or K2. It will find and auto resize the first image in your content. There is also a nice resizing script included that allows you greater control over the image output.
The options are Fill, Fit, Stretch and Center. You can customize this mod with many parameters including a custom link.
Compatible with Joomla: Joomla 1.5, Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.x (more…)
Swift Slides Pro is a responsive Joomla module that displays content from Joomla, K2 or images from a folder. It uses jquery to elegantly present the content with subtle effects in a accordion.
Compatible wth Joomla: Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.x (more…)
Elegant Grid is a responsive Joomla module to display content from K2 or Joomla. We also added support for K2 store which is used on the demo. Elegant Grid uses jQuery to overlay a nice blurred box with text and a link. It will use the K2 image tab or take the first image from the content if the image tab is not used.
It will take the first image from Joomla content to use as well. If no image is available a dummy image will be inserted. It will add a smooth and unique display to your website. This module comes with 4 pre-configured layouts. (more…)
Fox Contact is a super contact form extension very easy to setup designed for Joomla. Tableless and css styled output simplify integration in your website. (more…)