SJ Super Category for K2 is designed to show K2 category with subcategories and product listing tabs. The module is well ordered with subcategories slider and item tabs by title, created dated, published date or random. You can easily set the number of item to display.
Furthermore, the module comes with lots of smooth effects for both subcategories and items that will help you to impressively present your items. Besides, the user friendly backend interface and the detail documentation allow you to totally manage the module without much coding knowledge required.
Extension Features
- Easy to change and the number of title/description characters of item
- Support opening link in: Parent Window, New Window, Popup
- Support the link to subcategories and products
- Support Auto-play/Stop when hover
- 5, Chrome.
- Support Multi-Language
- Support Multi-Module in the same page
- Support SEO, pre- and post- text with each instance
- Set numbers of column for categories slider on each screen resolution
- Support many modes for resizing image of product/category: Center, Fill, Stretch, Fit, None
- Support to control total products/total rows/total columns per category
- Support to slide by Mouse Drag, Touch Drag and Pull Drag
- Allow to control the number of items to show on the module
- 7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera
- Allow to set width/height of product image
- Support lots of effect
- Allow to Ordering by Ascending or Descending
- Support caching to make your website loads faster
- Support Responsive layout
- Fully compatible with IE9+, Firefox 2+, Flock
- Support to get images from Product Image, Description, Extend Folder
- Set column numbers on each screen resolution
- Allow to change background color for images
- Support to increase or decrease the speed of subcategories slider
- Support to display Navigation and Loop
Compatibility with Joomla
The link will be here in few days.????
Hi Daniela.
Check now please, all must be ok 🙂
Thanks for reporting.