You News Slider is a news ticker shelf with Mootools continuous slide function. This module is highly customizable and can be adapted very easy to fit your website.
Default module background color is red but using CSS overidesyou can change the look and feel of the module itself within minutes. Module structure is CSS and XHTML valid and cross browser compatible ( Firefox 2,Firefox 3, IE6, IE7, IE8, Opera, Chrome ,Safari ).
Extension Features
- Choose news items from any Joomla category
- Specify to show only specific news items from any Joomla section or category
- Make up to 5 copy’s to run on same page
- Limit number of news items to play
- 3 different news ordering types ( Random, most popular , Joomla ordering )
- CSS and XHTML valid
- Cross browser compatible
- Adjustable width
Compatibility with Joomla