One and only Joomla YJ TVGuide Joomla Template, comes to you with many features and full bag of CSS tricks. TV GUIDEs unique layout options will give you an opportunity to create any kind of web presentation.
Media, news, business, portal, dating, software, hosting, web shop , you name it. With 19 fully collapsible modules positions, 5 sliding modules shelf , extravagant Mootools Tooltips, IE PNG FIX TV GUIDE will make your visitors stay and bring more traffic.
TV GUIDE Demo starter pack will have you up and running in minutes. Easy few click Joomla installation and you can have your own replica of our demo site. TV GUIDE pack comes with 3 new modules.
Template Features
- here is a private page 404, as well as the site offline
- Template comes with built in mega menu
- Unlimited Font Types
- Compatible with all popular web browsers
- Full Documentation
- A lot of menu positions
- Custom shortcodes
- Having a quick start (Quickstart) to install the demo data
- Template layout is completely responsive
- Template running Joomla 2.5, Joomla 3.x
- Well commented source code php and css files
- Easy and clean template which has a modern and stylish look
- Built-in SEO features for better seo optimization
Compatibility with Joomla