Still looking for a magazine style Joomla templates? Stop your search and take a look at this Web 2.
0 Magazine style Joomla template with beautiful typography, CSS3 font shadows, 4 colors styles , multiple layout options and demo fully loaded with ready to go content, JComments Joomla comment extension and many YouJoomla extensions pre-installed for faster start.
YouZine also comes with modified YJ Image Slider 3.
0 , YJ Newsflash 3.
0 enhanced with JComments and JoomlaComment support , YJ Multitabs, YJ Tag Cloud and YJ Latest Tweets module.
This template is compatible with Joomla 1.
5 Joomla 1.
6 Joomla 1.
7 and Joomla 2.
Template Features
- Template layout is completely responsive
- Unlimited Font Types
- Easy and clean template which has a modern and stylish look
- Compatible with all popular web browsers
- Having a quick start (Quickstart) to install the demo data
- Full Documentation
- Template running Joomla 2.5, Joomla 3.x
- Built-in SEO features for better seo optimization
- Template comes with built in mega menu
- here is a private page 404, as well as the site offline
- A lot of menu positions
- Custom shortcodes
- Well commented source code php and css files
Compatibility with Joomla
Product Link
Demo Link
Download Link
The link will be here in few days.