ThemeForest Float admin is a clean and powerful admin template based on Bootstrap3. It is built with modern technologies like sass, compass, ruby, bootstrap3, html5 and css3. Clean code and SASS files allows you to create and modify easily as per requirements.
ThemeForest Float Main Features
- 100% Responsive & clean design
- Well commented, indented and clean code
- Landing page (light & dark)
- 65+ Pre-made pages
- 4 Types of alerts (bootstrap, sweet, alertify, toaster etc.)
- Responsive & advanced tables (bootstrap, foo-tables, data-tables)
- 1000+ Icon fonts (font-awesome, simple-line-icons)
- Mail pages (inbox, detail, compose)
- Draggable panels
- Login, register, 404, forget password, lock-screen, blank pages
- Pricing, faqs, gallery, timeline, chat, contacts, invoice pages
ThemeForest Float Version