YouJoomla Templates

YJ Youmovies – Download Joomla Movies Portal

YJ Youmovies - Download Joomla Movies Portal

Are you ready for some action?! Youjoomla proudly presents Youmovies.

Your one and only Joomla Movies portal Template loaded with video features, new extensions, 10 color combinations, 5 menu types, Joomla Template Demo installation, and all standard Youjoomla template features.

With this template we would also like to introduce YJMS 2.0 enhanced version of YJ Movie Studio , YJNS5 News Slider and Multimedia Box 2.0.

Template Features

  • Full Documentation
  • A lot of menu positions
  • Compatible with all popular web browsers
  • Template running Joomla 2.5, Joomla 3.x
  • Easy and clean template which has a modern and stylish look
  • here is a private page 404, as well as the site offline
  • Template comes with built in mega menu
  • Well commented source code php and css files
  • Unlimited Font Types
  • Built-in SEO features for better seo optimization
  • Having a quick start (Quickstart) to install the demo data
  • Custom shortcodes
  • Template layout is completely responsive

Compatibility with Joomla

Joomla 2.5 CompatibleJoomla 3.x Compatible



Product Link

Demo Link

Download Link

Download link is available for members only

Join membership now and get the Download Link instantly! Only 7.99$ per month.

All Templates and Plugins are available for download, just make a quick registration!

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Really helpful page thanks to admin
The best site for all these projects

Article written by dudecmsadmin


Hi there! I`m admin of community where I share everything from web. I'm interested more in web design.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Avatar
    muda halo Reply

    i hope this template will be upload too, thank you dude

  2. Avatar
    muda halo Reply

    thank you dude for this template

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